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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Scales, feathers, and dinosaurs 徐星; Nature 2006
Some problems on the studies in the late Pleistocene human evolution and formation of modern human populations Liu Wu; Progress in Natural Science 2006
The 40Ar/39Ar dating of the early Jehol Biota from Fengning, Hebei Province, northern China He, H., Wang, X., Jin, F., Zhou, Z., Wang, F., Yang, L. K., Ding, X., Boven, A., Zhu, R; Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 2006
The Late Upper Paleolithic occupation of the northern Tibetan Plateau margin Madsen D B, Ma Haizhou, Brantingham P J, Gao Xing, Rhode D, Zhang Haiying, Olsen J W; Journal of Archaeological Science 2006
The mammal fauna in the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota: implications for diversity and biology of Mesozoic mammals 孟津、胡耀明、李传夔、王元青; Geological Journal 2006
Upper Pleistocene Human scapula from Salawusu, Inner Mongolia Shang Hong,??Liu Wu,??Wu Xinzhi and Dong Guangrong; Chinese Science Bulletin 2006
Zircon U-Pb ages from tuff beds of the upper Mesozoic Tetori Group in the Shokawa district, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan Nao Kusuhashi, Ai Matsumoto, Masaki Murakami, Tekahiro Tagami, Takafumi Hirata, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Takeshi Handa and Hiroshige Matsuoka; Island Arc 2006
湖北郧西黄龙洞更新世晚期古人类遗址(Huanglong Cave, a new late Pleistocene hominid site in Hubei Province, China) WU Xianzhu, LIU Wu, GAO Xing & YIN Gongming; 科学通报(Chinese Science Bulletin) 2006
三峡井水湾遗址的光释光测年 裴树文、张家富、高星、周力平、冯兴无、陈福友; 科学通报 2006
云南元谋盆地古猿的系统位置、时代及生活环境(Taxonomy, age and environment status of the yuanmou hominoid.) 祁国琴、董为、郑良、赵凌霞、高峰、岳乐平、张云翔; 科学通报 2006
两栖纲、坚头类、迷齿亚纲、鱼石螈、离片椎类、大头鲵类、壳椎亚纲、滑体亚纲、无尾目、丽蟾、玄武蛙、有尾目、热河螈、无足目、石炭蜥目、热河生物群等16个条目 王原; 《地球科学大辞典》 2006
中生代滑体两栖类研究的现状与最新进展 王原; 中国科学院优博论丛2005 2006
一个灭绝动物家族的“复生” 王原; 生命世界 2006
追寻《猎龙者》 杨睿; 化石 2006
弗洛勒斯人——《指环王》中的霍比特族 杨睿等; 化石 2006